You don't need to be a marksman to hit a person breaking through a cockpit door. This arguement about "marksmanship skill" is a diversionary tactic by the likes of our incompetent and politically driven security leadership. At that point the alternative to lethal cockpit defense is loss of command of the aircraft in which EVERYONE dies.
I wonder how Magaw feels about all the guns available in the cockpit riding on the hips of fish inspectors, game wardens, barney fifes, and other "authorized" carriers. They don't have SQUAT for training in aircraft defense, are probably not positioned well in the aircraft, do not carry the best caliber weapon, nor suitable ammunition, yet Magaw thinks THEY'RE just fine.
What a farce. If another airplane is taken down by terrorists because the pilots were'nt allowed the tools to defend their pax, crew, and aircraft, I wish these "gentlemen" many sleepless nights - if they have a concience to admit to their folly.
I wonder how Magaw feels about all the guns available in the cockpit riding on the hips of fish inspectors, game wardens, barney fifes, and other "authorized" carriers. They don't have SQUAT for training in aircraft defense, are probably not positioned well in the aircraft, do not carry the best caliber weapon, nor suitable ammunition, yet Magaw thinks THEY'RE just fine.
What a farce. If another airplane is taken down by terrorists because the pilots were'nt allowed the tools to defend their pax, crew, and aircraft, I wish these "gentlemen" many sleepless nights - if they have a concience to admit to their folly.