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Air Defense Identificaton zone

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Hey everyone,

I fly out of the Baltimore/Washington ADIZ (Air Defense Identification zone). Yes it is really a pain, but we just have to deal with it. Anyway, when I was a private pilot, I accidently sqwuaked 1200 which is a big no no in the adiz. It actually happens all the time. I imediately filled out a nasa form. Serveral months later i recieved notification from the FAA that an investigation was under way with the incident and if found guilty, my license would be suspended for 30 days. Since I had proof that I filed a nasa form the penalty was waived, and no suspension action was taken. I believe that there is still some sort of incident on my license though. I was wondering if anyone knows how the nasa forms work as far as that goes. Will my license records show "enforcement action taken " or just something along those lines? I have a really big interview coming up and I was just wondering if any of you out there had any advice on how to tell the interviewers that I had the incident but my license was not suspended, and also if my record will show that i filed a nasa report. Thanks in advance for your help.

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