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Age Discrimination ?

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I thought about getting me a bull dog, but all they do is eat all my lunch and mess up my lawn. The company is a Vegas company and I don't want to name them if it is going to get me any worse interviews. I have contacted the FAA and am waiting to hear, but if you all think I can get em, and retire, let me know. :eek:)
Mojo Risen said:
No background problems. Not even a failed ride. The HR said that they wanted younger bodies in the class. Said they we getting bigger stuff down the road and would call me for a new class date. Yea, lets do lunch too!

A HR Rep. would never tell a potential employee that "we are looking for younger bodies". I have been directly/indirectly involved with Human Resources for twenty years and EOE is one of the first topics that they cover with any newbie in HR. I don't know if this HR person has an axe to grind with their company, but yeah, you would definitely have a discrimination case against them, if that is, your story is true................
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At this point i have moved on. Wasted time is not going to get me anywhere. I posted and can learn from it. Tx for the input.
How about contacting the owner - telling him the story and see what happens? If it's a tour company I can't imagine that they want any bad publicity since Vegas is a relatively small area.

Good Luck!!


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