They are based in Smithfield, NC (KJNX). I worked out of there for 3 years and met most of the guys there and still have no clue what they do. Very secretive. They have a hell of a fleet though. If I remember correctly, a GV, Turbine DC-3, Pilatus Porter, Twin Otter, BE-350 and a few others.
Rumor around the airport is that they do a lot of South America "runs". What that means, i don't know.
I would still be curious to find out what they do, or don't do.
Thanks for the info. South America in an Otter ? Better pack a lunch !! They recently advertised for pilots...mostly the usual stuff but in addition to the flight time requirements, they require "...and 1CM." What's a "CM" ?
If they go to SA, NC as a base seems a bit far from the action.
Back a while ago, I flew to some airport outside of raleigh, I guess it was smithfield? Anyrate, i watched a turbine DC-3 takeoff (really quiet by the way) and the worker at whatever maintenance shop onfield said it was aero contractors, and to give em a call. So I somehow located the phone number off the internet, and talked to someone at aero contractors, said they were looking for 3000+ hrs, and to call back when I had more time. That was a while ago and ive since lost the number. The ramp guy said they had over 12 king airs and an assortment of other aircraft and did gov. work, lots down to south america. He also said they regularly fly the DC-3 NONSTOP to europe??? This guy also had like 4 teeth and hair down to his knees, nice fella though. I sure didnt see 12 kingsairs or anything like that, but BE200Driver seems to have a more accurate assessment of what they are operating with. Ok my post was no help. Good Night.
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