I have the chance to fly a heavy piston twin about 120 hours a year (yes year) on a salary about 4-5000 a year more than a regional. It would involve little to no overnights. I currently have enough time to be somewhat competive at some regionals. There is the chance of some jet and turbine time. What it comes down to is I need money now and don't have enough money to move to another city etc. (getting married etc) What should I do? I gotta stay for a year once I'm there or I have to pay back a couple thousand in training. I'm afraid that I might be making a step backwards, and not climbing up the latter. Any advice?
I have the chance to fly a heavy piston twin about 120 hours a year (yes year) on a salary about 4-5000 a year more than a regional. It would involve little to no overnights. I currently have enough time to be somewhat competive at some regionals. There is the chance of some jet and turbine time. What it comes down to is I need money now and don't have enough money to move to another city etc. (getting married etc) What should I do? I gotta stay for a year once I'm there or I have to pay back a couple thousand in training. I'm afraid that I might be making a step backwards, and not climbing up the latter. Any advice?