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ADIZ buster plea bargains ... gimme a break!

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"Though any small aircraft could carry a tactical (suitcase-sized) nuke, or enough "dirty bomb" nuke material, or enough anthrax or other bio agent to do quite a number on any downtown area. The cleanup alone could take months."

Sure a small GA aircraft could, but it would be easier, cheaper, and have greater likelyhood for success if they used a van and drove there. The van has a fairly remote opportunity to get shot down by a fighter escort!
Sure a small GA aircraft could, but it would be easier, cheaper, and have greater likelyhood for success if they used a van and drove there.

A successful airborne detonation offers a greater yield.

After thinking about it, with help from your posts, now I'm thinking the FAA (may have) got it right.

Instead of wasting a lot of taxpayer money on an appeal, just give the guy what he wants and let a kinder, gentler form of natural selection weed this guy out of the pilot pool.

I can't speak for all CFIs, but there's no way I'd give him a solo endorsement, let alone sign him off for a checkride. And I doubt there's a DE in western civilization who would take responsibility for him by signing his certificate.

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