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AD status and NetJets

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2003
Forgive me if this has already been explored but in Wichita this week, and heard what I considered to be a disturbing ?rumour ? fact?.

Net Jets do not comply with any (certainly not Citation) manufactures SB or service letters. This is a "commercial" decision.

The "owners" are not aware of this situation. Are the flight crew.?

I assume that this would cause the residual value of the airframes to be lowered and the day to day operational costs to be reduced, and such the potential revenue earnings maximised.

I assume they comply with AD's.

If this is true why have I not read about it in any leading aviation publications.???

My question is as follows: Is this true, if so is it ethical, and how does it effect Net Jets balance sheet, is this extended liability shown at all. ?????????????????
look at it this way.

MOST of the time there is an AD or SB that comes out from cessna you can bet NJA had a hand in it. We put more time and more abuse on the airplanes than anybody else. Thus we find the problems long before anybody else does.

Anybody remember the X's tail crack. That AD was found ny NJA mx and NJA is the one that leaned on cessna. We had x's with more time and cycles so we see more of it.

So NJA does the exact oposite they write the SB's and AD's.
This sounds like a rumor created by corporate flight departments to scare owners away from NetJets.

The idea of NJA leaving themself open to any liability in the mx department is a bit silly.
I've been to Cesna Service Centers and have wittness NJA guys bring their birds in for SB's and AD's.. The Captain told me..

NJA is all over any maintenance issue, you can bet your Ticket on that..
When Cessna finally got around to SB's on the Encore, we had been fixed and were the test pilots for the changes. Our fleet and pilots were the proving ground.
And I can ad that NJA is not shy to charge us for maintenance issues. I am not complaining, but I know of no owner who complains when NJA tells us the MMF increase or a special assessment for a defect or major maintenace is needed.
They are very thorough on the maintenance aspect of things at Netjets, I used to build all of the inspection/AD kits and hand out the parts for all of the them to the mechanics. I've seen alot of the parts that have been discovered on the fleet and turned into an AD or SB because of our thorough maintenance policies and the amount of flying time we put on each type of aircraft. I recently moved upstairs to dispatch to get a little bit closer to a flying career instead of being a professional warehouse worker.
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Never seen or heard of problems with AD compliance with NetJets. I don't think the owners would stand for it.

Think you just heard a bad rumor that was false. Sorry, no fire from the smoke in that one.
To add to that, the Pilots would not stand for that. Don't worry about maintenance at NJA, if it's broken, it's parked! Like someone else already stated, NJA pilots are the ones finding the problems before anyone else, that is where the ADs and SBs come from. NJA pilots care about 2 things, SAFETY, then service. Where in the world did you get your information BUMZ?

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