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Ace the Pilot Technical Interview Errata

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Unregistered Un-User
Feb 5, 2003
Does anyone have suggestions for corrections to Gary Bristow's "Ace the Pilot Technical Interview"? I found some errors, and the publisher is accepting suggestions.
Can you post the errors? Thanks.
Well, I've got a couple things circled, and I was hoping others might have found some errors. The book is in my flight case at work, so I'll start bringing up topics when start my next trip.

Off the top of my head:

He describes how you get better range with a headwind (not how range is maximized, but how you actually go farther . . .)

There's a clearway/stopway mix-up in a diagram. . .

Crosswind with critical engine I believe is confusing. . .

And more to come! If we find something, I'm in touch with an editor who'll pass on our suggestions to Mr. Bristow.
I've already found several and I've only read the first two chapters. For example, on page 17 he says that high speeds affect the center of gravity.
I've already found several and I've only read the first two chapters. For example, on page 17 he says that high speeds affect the center of gravity.

Cool. Keep 'em coming!
The dutch roll explanation is just wrong... I don't own the book, but someone who I was flying with had it. I can't qoute the actual wording, but it was just wrong.
The dutch roll explanation is just wrong... I don't own the book, but someone who I was flying with had it. I can't qoute the actual wording, but it was just wrong.

Yep. I won't quote the whole paragraph but this little nugget is all wrong. Way wrong. Doesn't even mention the existence of a fin in the entire discussion of dutch roll.

"Therefore, a marked bank occurs to the point where the outer, upward-moving wing stalls and loses all lift, and therefore the wing drops, causing a yaw to the stalled wing and thus leading to the sequence being repeated in the opposite direction."
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While I'm at it... his discussion of winglets left me scratching my head and seems wrong:

"They dispense the span-wise airflow from the upper and lower surfaces at different points, thus preventing the intermixing of these airflows that otherwise would create induced-drag vortices".
Oh yeah, the Dutch Roll description on page 31. I'll add it to the list. Thanks!

How about this: Pg. 193 Yawing moment = asymetric thrust X nose to center of gravity arm?

I was thinking it had more to do with the engine arm, not the nose. . .
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