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ACASS LTD. Canada Info?

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2005
Does anyone have any information on ACASS LTD. out of Canada? Unfortunately my last Part 91 flying job went bye, bye. The boss has serious health problems, the company couldn't justify the payments. Airplane sold.

I'm fairly low time in the corporate world, and quite frankly corp flying jobs in SW Michigan are far and few to come by. I've had my info walked in at NJ since last April, still no call.

It's not looking good with XO JET, I was told XO might be looking at pulling the CE-750 orders away from Cessna, due to delivery delays and finding alot of sqwaks on new x deliveries. I was hoping I would be a good fit with XO, having a 750 type. Sent them my info last April, also still no call.

Therefore I'm looking at doing some extended overseas contract work. Any info on Acass Ltd. would be greatly appreciated. I'm seriously thinking about the contract, flying in India.

Any Thoughts?
Does anyone have any information on ACASS LTD. out of Canada? Unfortunately my last Part 91 flying job went bye, bye. The boss has serious health problems, the company couldn't justify the payments. Airplane sold.

I'm fairly low time in the corporate world, and quite frankly corp flying jobs in SW Michigan are far and few to come by. I've had my info walked in at NJ since last April, still no call.

It's not looking good with XO JET, I was told XO might be looking at pulling the CE-750 orders away from Cessna, due to delivery delays and finding alot of sqwaks on new x deliveries. I was hoping I would be a good fit with XO, having a 750 type. Sent them my info last April, also still no call.

Therefore I'm looking at doing some extended overseas contract work. Any info on Acass Ltd. would be greatly appreciated. I'm seriously thinking about the contract, flying in India.

Any Thoughts?

pm me and i can give you a phone number of someone who flew under contract w/ ACASS.

You can contact them on there web site, acass.com. I am on contract with them in India, so far so good, pay is on time, biz tickets home, really no complaints at this stage. You just have to have experience in the aircraft that they have the contract for, and being an international kind of guy does help.


No, more like domiciles in India, Saudi Arabia, Jakarta, Singapore, Japan, Guam, North America, I would not have time to list international destinations. The point, is if you were a "NewBE", showing up in some these places, you initial impression could effect the outcome or you longevity in the position, due to you lack of understanding of what to expect..IE India, unique, but also in many ways a S%&t hole, but it was exactly what I expected based on previous experience in other similar parts of the world.
No, more like domiciles in India, Saudi Arabia, Jakarta, Singapore, Japan, Guam, North America, I would not have time to list international destinations. The point, is if you were a "NewBE", showing up in some these places, you initial impression could effect the outcome or you longevity in the position, due to you lack of understanding of what to expect..IE India, unique, but also in many ways a S%&t hole, but it was exactly what I expected based on previous experience in other similar parts of the world.

Thanks X man

I appreciate the info, I've heard mixed comments about ACASS. I have been talking with a recruiter for a position in India. I'm comfortable in the aircraft and have spent time in that part of the world, while on deployment in the Navy.

I was thinking about doing contract for a year. I'm new to contract and have no connections with anyone who does any contract flying.

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