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ACA pool

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2002
I was told by a friend at ACA yesterday that there is a fairly good possibility that following a meeting that is to take place on Feb. 28 that classes could be cancelled and the pool eliminated. Has anyone else out there heard this nasty little rumor? Hopefully not.
Also, what happened to the guys that were scheduled for the Jan. 31 class and received a cancellation notice days before? Rescheduled? Cancelled outright? Are there any more classes scheduled as of now? Here is to hoping February brings some good news for the ranks at ACA. Thanks in advance.
More info

I would encourage you to see the unofficial aca web board. www.acaforums.com

Look under New Hires and Poolies. Then click Check This Out... by c172heavy

Keep your stick on the ice and remember... we're all in this together. Blue Side Up. Romans 8:18-19
Called 4 business days before I was to start (Jan 31st that turned into Feb 3). Had already quit my present employer and was driving up for class when I got the call that class had been cancelled and nothing about being rescheduled. So here I sit in South Carolina.....now with no job and back in the pool. I know ACA is a good company...but this really is not pleasant. And getting rid of the pool would add insult to injury.
Late information is that ACA is going to put the brakes on things until the UAL situation is more clear.
northmountain said:
Called 4 business days before I was to start (Jan 31st that turned into Feb 3). Had already quit my present employer and was driving up for class when I got the call that class had been cancelled and nothing about being rescheduled. So here I sit in South Carolina.....now with no job and back in the pool. I know ACA is a good company...but this really is not pleasant. And getting rid of the pool would add insult to injury.

#1 rule in life!!!!

Never burn a bridge behind you!!! You may need to "RETREAT"!!!

#2 rule in life!!!!

Never trust a sure thing, except "The Retreat"!!!
C141FE said:
Late information is that ACA is going to put the brakes on things until the UAL situation is more clear.


More Clear???

UAL is gone.... Sorry to tell you that....
All I am saying cliff is that in the office they will not being doing anymore interviews until UAL bakrupt court rules on our contract.
The latest was 2 or 3 in a class per month. (Maybe). We should know more by the end of FEB.
OK, then someone clue me in. I was required to fill out paperwork etc as part of my exit from my current company. When someone sends to you--in writing--"welcome aboard and be here at such a date," I take that as a solid indication. Outside of liquidation, war or famine I expect them to come thru. So at a certain point ya gotta pull the kids out of school, move and drive thousands of miles, and set up in a new location. I don't see how this is possible without--at some point--leaving your present employer a day or two or 5 days ahead of a scheduled class date. So how do you do it without getting roasted at the stake? Comments please.

Sorry to hear of your plight, you really got hosed. I bet everyone who was scheduled to be in your class and was employed had given notice to their employers and many had also had their last day at work. I know that was my situation when I left my former job for my present one. Giving two weeks notice is the norm.

If Cliff wants to talk about burning bridges, try quitting a job with no notice whatsoever. That will endear you big time to your former employer.

I understand that there is uncertaintly at ACA, but i'm sure it is no greater today than when they sent you a letter inviting you to class. They owe you guys a lot more than cancellation 4 days prior to the start of class.

I hope all works out for you.


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