I recently was called for an interview with ACA. I was told to expect an "email package", and i guess a standby- ticket in the mail as well. My interview is July 2nd, and i still havent heard from them. Is this usual, or should i get on the horn today ???
Thanks for the help!
it took them a while to get me my stuff too. i also had a monday interview, and i waited until the thursday before to start squawking. turns out they did forget to send my stuff. they had to saturday deliver my standby ticket, and i got the email on thursday. there's a bunch of more forms attached to the email (in addition to the app) you'll have to fill out, including PRIA requests for your former employers.
those poor guys seem really busy right now (the phone calls i have received from them have always been after 6pm), so it's quite possible that you slipped through the cracks. i'd start asking questions by wed if you still haven't got anything.
when they realized they hadn't sent my stuff, they were very cool about it and said not to worry if it didn't arrive in time; they'd just reschedule since it was their bad.
hope your stuff shows up this week, and good luck at the interview!
I was supposed to have an interview today but they couldn't get an ID90 to me in time (supposedly they changed the procedures for getting them) and said to call back and reschedule the interview. That was last Thursday. I have left 3 messages for Dean Hess and 1 for Shawn Nicol and haven't heard back from anyone. And I didn't receive the email package either. They must be really busy...
I am in the same boat. I spent all today trying to get ahold of Shawn and couldnt do it. I want to schedule my interview ASAP. I will try again tomorrow and hope they call back soon. With a class every week I have to assume that they are doing quite a lot of interviewing. Good luck to us all...
It is my understanding that we (ACA) will be starting a class of approx 10 each Monday for the rest of the year. Shawn Nicol and Dean Hess are both great people, but are swamped with resumes and phone calls to return. This place is probably one of the better deals going in the post 9-11 world. Good luck to all!
I left a message with both guys, and received a call from Shawn last nite around 5pm. He let me know that they wait until a week before the interview to send out the packets, and today is a week for me so im hoping to get it. I saw someone said something about a class every week on mondays for the rest of the year?? Does that mean that they will be jet classes?? I heard that monday's were jet classes, and also heard something yesterday about them filling the J-41 classes. Anyways im sure they'll get back to everyone, they are really cool guys down there.
Good luck!
Just got off the phone with Ryan from HR and my interview will be on the 10th. I am providing my own transportation to the interview and they are paying for the hotel. He said that they used to be able to put people on UAL but they cant any longer. Told me the same thing about the packets, also said they were incredibly busy so the packet might be a few days. Can't wait!
I talked with Shawn today. I had a interview set up but do to an family emergency it has been reschdueled for July 2. I know they have been very busy, but hang in there. If you don't hear anything about your ticket before thursday I would call him and tell him about the tickets.
I read also if you fly in on your own they will put you up. Shawn said they don't do that no more, so be careful.
We played phone tag a couple of times but I finally talked to Shawn today and rescheduled for the 9th. I have to get my own ticket and no mention of ACA picking up the tab for a room.
All my time is military time so I'm not sure how that will correlate to you but I have 2700 ME, all turbine. I submitted my resume on May 30th and got the phone interview call on June 19th. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Ive got about 1450 total, 850 of that is 121 turbine SIC multi. I didn't ever apply to them but I did meet a recruiter at an AEPS convention and gave him my resume. I think I had about 1300 hours at the time. Went to convention in march, called June 21st.
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