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ACA Hiring

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Still Waiting

Thanks for the input. It's been ten days today and no word but maybe the call or letter will come in today or tomorrow. I guess that no news is probobly better than bad news. Thanks.
I interviewed in early August and it was 14 days before I knew. I know the interviewees on 8/19 just found out yesterday.

It seems a lengthy wait (i.e. longer than 10 days) is the norm. Be sure to post what you hear when you hear it back on this thread.
ACA Answer

You got it! As soon as I get word, I will let you guy's know. I emailed Dean my new Cell phone number on Tuesday, so if there isn't a letter in the mail, maybe there will be a call. Either way, no news is still not bad news.

Fly Safe,
No Deal

Well Everyone, Got the news. Friday night I recieved the letter about 16 days after the interview. "Sorry, but we are unable to offer you.... However, feel free to reapply in 6 months....". I wish that I could give you some constructive suggestions as to what went wrong, but I had a real good feeling about the interview and as you all know they are never willing to give the applicant any such feedaback. So that's the news. Best of lkuck to everyone and hopefully next time will work out better. Thanks,
Hang in there...

I am sorry that you did not get on here at ACA. Judging by your attitude and flight experience I would hope that you will reapply after six months. Please let me know if I can help you in any way.


I was called last tuesday by ACA. They left a message stating interest and that I should call them. I have been unable to contact them. Has anybody else expirienced this. What should I do. I don't want to seem like some psycho and keep calling them.

Did you interview already? If not, they are quite likely looking to pre-screen you for an interview. See aviationinterviews.com for the questions they will ask you.

In any case, if they want you to call...CALL. You may not want to leave 50 messages but you can always try later to get someone on the line. I know that several people return messages from Shawn Nicol's voicemail.

Keep at it and good luck.

Thanks for the support. I will definitely reapply in 6 months. It's already marked on my calendar. Best of luck to anyone else who is interviewing. ACA is a great company to work for from what I have heard.

Sorry you didn't get the job.

If you feel the interview went well, maybe it was paperwork stuff.

I used to be ACA's interview board and it is not uncommon to be turned down for paperwork reasons.

for instance, do you have

Logbook irregularities
Several speeding tickets
Were there mistakes in your application

Each of the above is not an automatic kiss of death, but they certainly don't help.

Good luck next time, it's a great airline.

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