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ABX needs to look to the future.............

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Well-known member
May 26, 2006
ABX needs to look to the future. This DHL deal is a lost cause. If they do not work something out with UPS, they will just fold up and go home. We need to establish ourselves in emerging markets. Asia and South America is where the business is.


This article is a perfect example. We already fly for LAN Cargo on behalf of Florida West. Focus on the future!!

Here is another example... Instead of continuosly whining about how UPS is screwing you or how DHL lied to you. Go to your management and tell them to find ways to utilize your aircraft to take advantage of these emerging markets....

Did you bother to notice dx, that LAN is expanding their own fleets? How about supporting your fellow ABX'ers?
ABX already is looking to the future and has been expanding their ACMI business, just for the record. It may not be as fast as some like, but ABX has contractual obligations with DHL that need to be met until the end of the contract. You just can’t drop DHL and go running toward the future for one. For another, just like the community of Wilmington has said DHL has a moral obligation to the people here. And I agree with that.

I do not live in or around Wilmington. I like over an hour away and commute into work. Yet I support the will of the workers and town of Wilmington because of many reasons. If they fight, I stand with them, for them because it is the right thing to do. If some feel they owe them a shot to show them how ABX was successful at obtaining and maintaining a 20%ish share of the market I stand with them. If they want DHL to support the community with the tax payer money they squandered away and kill off Airborne Express from the market I stand with them. If they just want DHL to go back to Germany and never set another box in the USA again I stand with them. My community is not getting hit like Wilmington is. I can go find a local job and have less of a drive, probably working better hours with close to the same pay to start and maybe better in the long term. But right now the right thing to do is support the workers and community here.

These are not flashy Wall Street types with snappy suits and fancy cars. These people are the salt of the earth that work hard and appreciate what they have. And they feel betrayed in many different ways by the situation that has unfolded over the last couple of years. I see these people. I look them in the eye and talk with them. I see them in the parking lot of Kings Commons selling homegrown produce from the back of their pickup trucks. Selling homemade jams and jellies and crafts with their kids by their side, helping bag for the people who come to buy from them. I see the disappointment and uncertainty in their eyes. I hear the hurt and pain in their words. And whether the goal is to try and persuade DHL to reconsider a business plan or to just make it as difficult and painful for them as they are inflicting on the community are fine with me because I will stand with them as long as they are willing.

Can you dig it? :pimp:
ABX already is looking to the future and has been expanding their ACMI business, just for the record. It may not be as fast as some like, but ABX has contractual obligations with DHL that need to be met until the end of the contract. You just can’t drop DHL and go running toward the future for one. For another, just like the community of Wilmington has said DHL has a moral obligation to the people here. And I agree with that.

Actually they can and will. As much as it sucks it is going to happen.

Here is another example... Instead of continuosly whining about how UPS is screwing you or how DHL lied to you. Go to your management and tell them to find ways to utilize your aircraft to take advantage of these emerging markets....

Hey dude. How bout you fight the battle the way you see fit and we'll fight the way we see fit.

I KNOW what we're doin. How bout you?
Not HOW are you doing....WHAT....what are you doing? I good a pretty good idea HOW you're doing. Probably bout the same as us.

I think I have said before that what we do doesn't have to be advertised. In fact, what do you care. If we are seeing results at the congressional level then we both benefit. May we both be successful and I hope your tack is beneficial for you. But again, we are not obligated to keep you informed of our actions, nor publish them on youtube.

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