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91 reg and drunk pax

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2002
Trying to find the 91 reg that does not allow a drunk pax to fly. This is a "not for hire" situation. Straight 91 ops.......pax in this case is the owner.



Sec. 91.17 Alcohol or drugs.
(b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a
person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or
physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs
(except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that
Thankfully, my boss doesn't drink. But how nasty could things get if someone was pretty well sauced and then sat in a 6 or 8000' cabin for an hour(presumably while still drinking)? That's a real question....who's got a story?
Thankfully, my boss doesn't drink. But how nasty could things get if someone was pretty well sauced and then sat in a 6 or 8000' cabin for an hour(presumably while still drinking)? That's a real question....who's got a story?
Climb to 10,000...they go to sleep until you descend through 4000 again.

Don't ask me how I know.

Fly safe!


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