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2004 Job Fair - Aviation Interviews.com

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2001
Second Annual Aviation Interviews Job Fair!
The job fair will be held in Nashville, Tennessee on August 7th.
As of 7/25/04
(the following will be attending)
American Eagle
Chicago Express
NetJets(conducting on site interviews)
PSA(conducting on site interviews)

Please check the following url for the latest updates!
Pre NJA Interview

Good luck to all at the fair.

If you interview with Netjets PLEASE look at some of the information already on this board.
Here are some important points;
1) You could be a probationary pilot asked to strike,
2) You'll be sitting in the right seat for, my guess, 2-3 years,
3) FO pay is bad now and unknown after the contract is finished,
4) Morale sucks,
5) Post contract employment might mean living @ MCO,EWR,DAL,LAX or CMH and
6) Mgt is very anti pilot.

Just a few to think about while the interview team spreads the good word on life at NJA.
One more fact...Nutjets is having trouble finding pilots. We just had 2 walk out of class during indoc and another didn't even show up. Other pilots have not shown up also. The RCA deal and the HORRIBLY LOW PAY is a factor, including the VERY VERY VERY LONG upgrade times now and the problem with possibly being on FO pay $28k/year for the next 3 to 5 years depending on upgrade possibilities. JUST SAY HELL NO !!! PLEEEEEEASE investigate ALL of your options before coming to this TOILET !!!
NJA Is Coming to You....

Because they cant get people to come to CMH for the interview. Was there last week and one day only 8 out of 13 scheduled showed for interview. Heard they were having to interview around 20-25 to find one sucker and several of those have gotten educated before the first day of training and turned tail and ran.

Be wise...invest your time and efforst somewhere else. Things are not looking to promising here.....
Wasn't it just two years ago when everyone wanted to work at Netjets, then EJA?

Things sure change quickly.
And wasn't it about 3 years ago, people thought that if they got on with Delta, American or United that they would have a job for life? Ask those folks with less than 15 years seniority about US Air. How about the TWA people?

If there is one certainty in the aviation buisiness its....lack of certainty. Hope for the best but you had better plan for the worse case senario.
If you are interested in flying an Airbus for Virgin America...

... you'd better get your application to Virgin America in NOW because you can expect a FLOOD of NJA pilots scrambling for Airbus slots there as soon as possible... Prepare for an exodus from NJA I am told.
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