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135 requirements, climb, runway ect...

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
Can someone explain to me the requiremnts if any, for a king air 200. It is my understand that We don't have to comply with the acc/go or stop data nor do we have to meet the IFR climb for depatures on one engine.

Please let me know in 25 words or less you all's opinion.
Performance requirements

Good question. I would say if you accept the sid, and the weather is less than the published mins, you have to meet the climb gradient. It is simply a matter of safety.
Does that have to be on one-engine?
I understand from safety, but what about legality since I am not Ailine part25 more than 12.500 and only have 9 pax seats ect....
Two separate issues here.

1) SID climb gradient requirements are for obstacle clearance and default to 200' per NM if no higher gradient is stated. Compliance with this has nothing to do with the certification rules of the aircraft. Wx, avialable escape alternatives and the rules/OpSpecs in force will determine whether you need to ensure that you can meet this gradient OEI.

2) Irrespective of wx or other factors, part 25 aircraft must meet a min OEI climb gradient of 2.4% for all takeoffs no matter what flight rules are used. With an engine failure at V1, the aircraft must be able to meet the above climb requirement and/or stop within the avilable stopping surface. The AFM perf data is predicated on this requirement. Part 23 aircraft like the '200 have no such certification requirement. Unless required under the rules you operate under, (such as 135) you may take off even if the aircraft will not climb at all following an engine failure. Same story for accelerate/stop. Of course, 91.13 should always be considered!

The subject of required takeoff performance and obstacle clearance could not possibly be covered in 25,000 words, let alone 25. Maybe that's why most training programs all but ignore it. I hope this answer is short enough not to bore you excessively! Body armor on, lock and load. (with FAR references)

Great and very succinct answer Charter Dog.

My answer is that the aircraft I fly has to be able to outclimb the terrain on one engine. That is found in the FFFBOCSRs*

I am sure that is the rule that your pax would expect you to follow as well.

pilothouston123 said:
Can someone explain to me the requiremnts if any, for a king air 200. It is my understand that We don't have to comply with the acc/go or stop data nor do we have to meet the IFR climb for depatures on one engine.

Please let me know in 25 words or less you all's opinion.
Check out FAA Order 8400.10, paragraph 963.
RULES FOR RELEASE OF SMALL, NORMAL CATEGORY AIRPLANES WITH LESS THAN 10 SEATS. Reciprocating or turbopropeller powered airplanes certified in the normal category and operated under Part 135 with less than 10 passenger seats have specified rules. Small turbojet airplanes certified in the normal category are treated as if they were certified in the transport category for the purposes of Part 135 (see previous paragraph 955).
Temperature Correction No AFM data shown at standard temperature.
Structural Limits
Max. Taxi Wt. Yes AFM or Placard
Max. Takeoff Wt. Yes AFM or Placard
Max. Landing Wt. Yes AFM or Placard
Zero Fuel Wt. No (Not an AFM limit)
Accelerate-Stop No
All-Engines No
Accelerate-Go No
Obstacle Limit No
T/O Climb Limit No
Enroute Limits
All-Engines No
One Eng. Inop Yes FAR 135.381
Overwater Yes FAR 135.383
Approach Climb No
Landing Climb No
Max. Landing Wt. Yes AFM
Runway Limit
Destination No
Alternate No

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