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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2001
A couple of years ago this reg was re-written, and trying to explain it to people has become more difficult as a result. Is there anyone who can explain this in watertight fashion? (Imagine you're teaching GS in front of the POI.)

135.225(b) now allows "eligible on-demand operators" (as defined in 135.4) to shoot approaches to airports that don't have official weather. That's fine, as my company does scheduled 135 runs, mostly single pilot -- doesn't concern us.

Here's the crux (maybe I'm making something out of nothing):

The next paragraph describes the "inside the FAF -- weather goes below -- you can keep going" scenario, but begins "(c) If a pilot has begun the final approach segment of an instrument approach to an airport under paragraph (b) of this section..." Well, paragraph (b) refers to "eligible on-demand operators" and no one else. If you fast forward to paragraph (d) it contains the same wording, however it refers you back to paragaph (c), which, as we can see, refers you back to paragraph (b). If you read this the way I am reading it, it seems as though the only folks who can continue an approach inside the FAF when the weather goes below are "eligible on-demand operators".

Now I know there was very little fanfare when this was re-written for either 2005 or 2006, so it might just be that the intent hasn't changed but the wording has obscured it. I'm just looking for a way to explain it to someone if they come up to me and say "Hey, the way this is written I don't think we can continue an approach inside the FAF if the weather goes below."

Thanks in advance.
(a) is for you. You may begin the IAP if wx is reported at or above...

(b)(c)&(d) are for on-demand operators into no-wx airports, it does not apply to "scheduled" 135 operators. You cannot go into a no-wx airport, and the scenario of 'wx below mins after FAF' do not apply to you.

You are only concerned with (a) & (e)through (i). No mention of continuing approach when wx below mins after FAF, and no restriction of it either, so I would think it would be legal.

This interprtation means that under (a), you would be able to begin the approach at a wx airport and subsequent wx reports below mins would allow continuing approach regardless of your position on that approach.

There's a lot of confusion there, and after reading this reg, now I know why.
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