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121 Flight Time Limitations

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Feb 15, 2006
Ok so here is the deal.
I know that the reg says that you may not be scheduled for more than 1,000 in a year, 100 in a month, 30 in a week, and 8 hours between rest periods. If you can't be scheduled for more than 8 hours between rest periods then why do subparts (b)(2,3) exist. "10 consecutive hours of rest for 8 or more but less than 9 hours of scheduled flight time, 11 consecutive hours of rest for 9 or more hours of scheduled flight time" If you can't be scheduled for more than 8 hours between rest periods (121.471 (a)(4)) then why do they have these stipulations?
You can fly 5hrs., have a rest of 9 hrs., and then fly another 5 hrs. All well within a 24 hr. period. Now when you look back at the begining of your next rest period, you've flown 10 hrs. in the last 24 so you'll need that additional rest.
SSD that won't work under the 121 rules we teach at our company for 121 Supplemental, you exceded 8 hrs in 24 without a full legal rest period. If you had rested for 10 hours you have been full legal and could have flown another 8 eight hours. What type of operation were you referring to?
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I just put the time up there to show how one could exceed 8 hrs in a 24 hr period. However, I do believe it would work. The 9 hrs are reduced rest, and now you can start your compensatory rest.
pilotyip said:
SSD that won't work under the 121 rules we teach at our company for 121 Supplemental, you exceded 8 hrs in 24 without a full legal rest period. If you had rested for 10 hours you have been full legal and could have flown another 8 eight hours. What type of operation were you referring to?

I think he/she was thinking 121 domestic. The rest rules are all different for each flavor, but SSD's example was hauntingly familiar for 121 domestic flying.....
monkeypaws said:
Ok so here is the deal.
I know that the reg says that you may not be scheduled for more than 1,000 in a year, 100 in a month, 30 in a week, and 8 hours between rest periods. If you can't be scheduled for more than 8 hours between rest periods then why do subparts (b)(2,3) exist. "10 consecutive hours of rest for 8 or more but less than 9 hours of scheduled flight time, 11 consecutive hours of rest for 9 or more hours of scheduled flight time" If you can't be scheduled for more than 8 hours between rest periods (121.471 (a)(4)) then why do they have these stipulations?

when it comes to your 30/7, 100/month ,and 1000/year limits it refers to your actual flight time, not scheduled. (of course they can't schedule for this amount either because you can't fly it, but that goes without saying).

the rest requirements is the only part that deals with scheduled flight time.

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