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  1. bafanguy

    Spirit Layoffs Start Sept 1

    JohnX11, That's good advice in some circumstances. The problem furloughed airline pilots have is that they're furloughed airlines pilots. Any prospective employer knows that you've shown your true colors and will run right back to airline flying ASAP. This may make them reluctant to spend...
  2. bafanguy

    Career Path To Commercial Pilot

    Might be a bit of the cart before the horse but just for hypnoman's info, here's the process for converting between TCCA and FAA tickets. Not nearly as bad as it could be. And of course, the legal ability to live/work here is the foundation of it all. ...
  3. bafanguy

    Career Path To Commercial Pilot

    hypnoman, FlyBigE has given you good advice. I notice you're in Canada so have you asked your questions on avcanada.com ? I don't know how different things may be up there compared to here in terms of pilot career path. But there is one path that is pretty solid: go in the military and...
  4. bafanguy

    KCM Randoms

    Exactly. I began my airline career before there was anything resembling "airport security". So I've watched it go from that to full-on Gestapo/KGB especially where flight crews are concerned. At some point, it's hard to not resent being treated like a criminal rather than a crew member. I...
  5. bafanguy

    Warroad Graduate 1969

    CLLund, What is your connection to aviation ?
  6. bafanguy

    Does anyone else thing flying is boring?

    I never thought flying was boring and I spent 35 years in airline flying. I did find flying routine but my job was to make sure things were routine. If nothing happened, I'd done my job. There's a big difference between boring and routine. If you find flying boring I'm not sure what you...
  7. bafanguy

    Spirit to Furlough 260 Pilot and defer aircraft

    I wonder if the carriers that stopped "hiring" have stopped interviewing too. I suppose that they could still interview, give out CJOs and put them in a pool to await for the dust to settle.
  8. bafanguy

    Spirit to Furlough 260 Pilot and defer aircraft

    If other airlines keep hiring at current rates, it may be that attrition from Spirit will take care of that 260 pilots. Many Spirit pilots are actively seeking employment elsewhere so I wouldn't be surprised to see attrition save the furloughs..or greatly reduce them.
  9. bafanguy

    Big difference between 182RG, 206, 210?

    belch, You're still around. I'd given you up for lost.
  10. bafanguy

    Charter Pilot Shortage ?

    That job ad has been pulled. Not sure why it didn't last longer than that or what that means for their job hunting effort.
  11. bafanguy

    Charter Pilot Shortage ?

    Is there really such a shortage that recruiting in Australia is needed ?: Vista America will provide you Legal and financial support to obtain and renew your E-3 visa Green Card Pathway program FAA ATP - course and exam programmed into your training schedule...
  12. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    Judging from the number of questions on av forums about logging flight time, I suspect lots of people aren't clear about what's legal. At some point, I might have to count myself among them. I suspect many people sitting on interview boards are also included. That might be flybige's point...
  13. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    I got the impression flybige was referring more to the issue of whether an interviewer was familiar enough with the legal fine points of logging instrument time rather than disagreeing with the regs themselves. I agree with him that I wouldn't want to bet my shot at a career slot on whether...
  14. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    Well, it must be something like that. I spent 35 years in Part 121 ops and never gave so much as a thought to instrument currency. Nor could I have told you how many approaches I shot in IMC...ever.
  15. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    mlf, In looking a the Carpenter letter, I assume it refers to Part 121 ops. Where it mentions maintaining instrument currency, I don't recall ever keeping track of/documenting that the way we had to for landings, for example. I'm sure the company would've had us submitting some kind of form...
  16. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    mlf, Thanks for the letter. So much to know...so little time. :)
  17. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    I'd be interested to see that letter. I've tried to locate issues in that venue but failed. Do you have a link to it ? the135pilot didn't offer enough detail to indicate whether his operation "requires" a F/O. I'm not much of a lawyer. :unsure:
  18. bafanguy

    Can a Pilot Monitoring Log Instrument Time

    FAR 61.51(g) would seem to say that you have to be the one flying the airplane in IMC: "...when the person operates the aircraft..." https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/61.51
  19. bafanguy


    I don't see much recent attention paid here to aircraft dispatchers, their professional track or career prospects. It's a viable route for those who want to be part of the airline world but not as a pilot or mechanic. I've seen considerable attention paid to this on another website. It might...
  20. bafanguy

    A320 Start-Up in Bermuda

    Appears they've launched. I wish them luck: "Recently, BermudAir launched operations with flights from Bermuda to Boston and Westchester, New York. The self-proclaimed all-aisle cabin class airline will operate Embraer 175 aircraft on routes from Bermuda to the United States. Catering to...