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Alert Beware of Carbon Monoxide Intrusion

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Neal, I saw your video on this subject today. Thanks for getting this out there -- I have a similar issue and will try sealing it up as you've done. I also have the Aithre CO detector installed. I generally get CO levels of 20-30 ppm on the ground, and 40-50+ ppm during a climb. For short durations, those aren't particularly worrisome but it would be nice to get them down.

For what it's worth, one thing in the video that surprised me was the mention of CO for longer durations in cruise. With a full-rich mixture in cruise, I do get around 10 ppm. But as soon as I lean the mixture, the CO level drops to zero and stays there as long as the mixture is lean. It's surprising how quickly that happens, which I guess goes to show how drafty the cockpit is.
In cruise mine does come down as well. I also forgot to mention one thing that may be different with my plane is the cargo pod which may exacerbate the situation. However, silicone the gaps made a huge difference, even in ground ops.

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