I'm hearing rumors that Express I set up a flow-thru with Gulfstream Airlines out of FL. Don't know the details, but, aren't all those right seat guys PFT? I'm not trying to flame anyone here, but just curious if anyone else has heard anything about it over at Gulfstream.
That airline trains future scabs. When I was based in MIA I'd see their "crews" every so often in EYW. One pilot tried to jumpseated on us but when the Cpt. asked him which airline he flies for he said "Delta Connection" like that is supposed to fool us. We let him ride anyway but we both couldn't help looking down upon him. Another time we saw one of their FO's fooling around under one of the cowlings. My Cpt actually walked up to him and asked him "Do you have to pay to fix it too?". It was common to hear words such as Gulfscab and Scabstream broadcast on ATC by unidentified individuals. If anyone is considering PFT or a program such as Gulfstream beware.
Moral of the story Gulfstream=potential carreer buster
As a consumer I vote with my dollars and would not pay a red cent to fly on that stupid scab mill. I will WALK before I'll fly on that thing!! I would like to see an expose made of those bums and I betcha if it was broken wide open to the paying public, the public would WALK and they would be forced to shut down.
"Ladies and gentlement, for the information on those passengers flying on Continental Connection flight 2345, that flight has been canceled due to insufficient funds in the first officer's checking account. Thank you."
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